A few older cases under this
many new cases



Artcle in Spirit and Destiny Aug 2018
about testing with transatlantic healing trials.

Conception Problem story (healed 3 times result 3 babies against the odds).
In 2001, I stopped taking the microgynon contraceptive pill and my periods never restarted. Numerous tests were carried out by a diabetes and endocrinology specialist and results showed that my oestrogen levels were low. An MRI scan of my pituitary gland was taken showing a normal sized pituitary gland. Tests were then taken to assess how well my pituitary gland manufactures certain hormones. I was told that the results suggest the disturbance of hormones secreted by my hypothalamus was the cause of my menstrual problem, which could have been caused by stopping the contraceptive pill. I was diagnosed with post pill amenorrhoea. The relationship between the hypothalamus, pituitary gland and ovaries was explained. I was then referred to a gynaecologist so that they could help to stimulate my ovaries.

In 2006, I started fertility treatment. Provera was prescribed to start my periods which did not work so I was prescribed provera and ethinyloestradiol. Once my period had started I had to take clomiphene. Clomiphene helps to improve ovulation, the initial dose did not work so it was increased, but still with no success. I was then prescribed tamoxifen, but this did not work either. I had scans after each lot of medication and I had follicles on each ovary which were small.

In June 2007, I was told that the treatment was not working for me and the only option was IUI which was unlikely to work or IVF. Unfortunately, I was unable to get any help with the cost of the treatment because my partner already has a daughter from another relationship.

I was given Carol Everett's contact details by a friend. The hospital agreed to let me have one more prescription for tamoxifen. I had healing with Carol in June 2007. Carol immediately diagnosed that my pituitary gland was not sending message to my ovaries and she did healing on my hypothalmus, pituitary gland and ovaries. One week later I had a scan, and for the first time I had one large follicle, which developed into a baby.

In 2009, I took tamoxifen again and had telephone healing from Carol and became pregnant within two months, Carol said that she had put ‘out for' a boy, and a boy I had.

In 2011, I took one cycle of tamoxifen which again did not work. I then had telephone healing form Carol and took tamoxifen and fell pregnant again. I wish to thank Carol for all of her help, as without her I would have been unable to have such beautiful children.

love Alex x x x


Almonds Cancer story
I discovered a painful swollen area in my throat, initially I thought it might be due to a weekend spent stripping layer upon layer of paint from a ceiling, however it did feel a little different from the usual ache and pains one might expect when decorating or gardening!  After a visit to my doctor and then a throat scan, I was referred to the E.N.T department where I saw a consultant.  Further tests revealed throat cancer and  frighteningly fast I seemed to be having discussions regarding surgery and subsequent treatment, chemotherapy, medication etc.   It was at the point of being told that I needed to have a camera put down my throat whilst wide awake to establish exactly, for the surgeon,  the surgical procedure in the sense of how I swallow, so as to avoid any further damage to my vocal cords, that I panicked and couldn't hear anything. There were other important reasons for this procedure, and I know they were carefully explained for my benefit, but it was at this very point that my terror kicked in.   While I am acutely aware of my medical background, I had undergone a bi-lateral maestectomy ten years ago and all of the women on my maternal side of the family have died from cancer in breast and other forms, also my paternal side the deaths have predominantly been from cancer.  The majority of these on both sides have been at a early age, my own mother was one of the oldest and she was 62 years.  Returning to my point of terror; it was not as you might quite naturally expect, because of the diagnoses, nor was it the potential treatment, it wasn't even my brain listening to the word CANCER and yet what I am actually hearing is DEATH, you are going to die and it will be a horrible way.  It was my phobia of the camera being put down my throat.  When I say phobia, I mean this in the true medical sense of the word. This has been present my entire life, more accurately a phobia of vomiting, therefore the very idea of anything at all being put down my throat and the associated gagging was at that time, in that hospital, a completely insurmountable terror. One that put, as it always has into flight mode, of the fight or flight variety!

I managed a poor explanation with the surgeon, who was very understanding and reassured me that many patients have a similar reaction, that I could go away and consider my options further and come and see him again.  My friend had come with me and we left.  

Having been a psychotherapist and hypnotherapist for many years after leaving a corporate world in London, I had also trained as a accupuncturist. I inhabit a world that is comfortable with the unknown or unseen, not everything is explained in scientific facts and figures. My friend was intuitive enough to accept my fears and that I would talk about what was happening when I was able.  For some days I was quiet and contemplated how I would managed any of this.  She suggested that I see someone that she had met some 15 years ago and who helped her in her healing.  She quite rightly pointed out that there are always options and we take responsibility for our choices each day.  I knew what my scientific, medical options were but that I could look at others too.  She rang Carol Everett on my behalf and booked a telephone appointment.  Carol rang and we talked, she then sent a diagnoses.  My friend had simply told her that the area to concentrate on was my throat, Carol delivered the same diagnoses as the consultant, with the offer of me going to Spain for treatment with her.  My next appointment with the surgeon was in two weeks time.  I had recently moved and was working hard at building up my accupuncture practice, in the current climate this is difficult as it is for anyone.  It was made even more difficult by having this thrown into the equation!  My friend made all the arrangements, flights, a place to stay etc and took me to Spain to see Carol.

For three days running, I went to her and received her healing. On the last day she talked to us about her blood work and the remarkable responses in her healing this way.  As I am an accupuncturist and had some needles with me, I was able to work with Carol by dipping my needles into the blood that we had taken from me and introducing it back into myself after Carol had worked her healing into it.  My friend had the benefit of viewing my blood sample prior to Carols healing and then following it.  The difference was astounding as viewed under a microscope.

We flew back to Britain and I arrived at the appointment with my consultant who obviously was eager to discuss the possibilty of me managing the camera down my throat and subsequent surgery etc.  He asked me if I had thought more about this, as if I had done anything else!  Alongside my visit with Carol, I had of course been concentrating on calmness and meditation, it is my daily practice and have called on this strength many times during my life, also I am as I said an hypnotherapist and so used all these skills on myself for this apppointment.  I agreed to allow him to try the camera procedure and although I couldn't promise that I would be able to tolerate it, I would do my best.  I went to my calm safe place within, ask and summoned all the help I could and achieved the unachievable!  Of course not alone!  The procedure completed, I was informed, with some shock in the consultants manner, that there would be no need for any surgery or medication as there was NO CANCER present!

I knew of course that this was due entirely to Carols healing.  There are no words that I have available to describe hearing the sentence, “there is no cancer present”, but I can attempt to say that my decision to work with Carol and her healing techniques have given me back a life that I was in danger of if not losing, seriously compromising but my life long “knowing” that there is more in this world than what so many of us perceive with our eyes and our facts and figures. I am fortunate to come from a family who practised medicine in the NHS but also practised healing and understanding in a powerful spiritual sense also. Therefore I am graced with the knowledge that human beings are more than simply biology and facts, having said that, I would and have reccommended Carol and her work to many others including asking a friend of mine who has some contact with Michael Douglas.  He has a diagnosis similar to mine and I would hope that there is some help for him.  I mention this only because it seems that healing of this nature seems to require people in the public eye to promote what is often viewed with some sceptisism.  The same was said of accupuncture and it took many many years to have it accepted into the mainstream and within the NHS.  If I was a “big name” I would be shouting loudly from the rooftops about my experience and with huge gratitude!  When we have our health, mental or physical, we can achieve so many things in life, it is often when we are faced with conditions that threaten our existence that we truly become grateful for all the help we can get in healing and becoming well again. For me this came in the form of Carol and I will be eternally grateful for what she gave me, if ever I need similar help and healing she will be the first place I go to.

Much love to you both



Drama on the cliff tops
Missing woman found using psychic investigations by
Carol Everett .

Lesley Read went missing in Bolnuevo, Mazarrón on Monday 17th of August. Although initially there was no immediate worry, no-one could know what was to unfold over the next few days. It was assumed she had gone for a walk, but as time moved on, concern grew. Doug eventually asked Carol to see if she could help locate his wife. She had been missing for three days and it was clear conventional enquiries and searches revealed no trace of her.

Doug gave Carol some clothes and a picture of Lesley to meditate on. She had no previous information on Lesley, other than that she had left her house on the Monday morning and had not returned. Carol did not previously know either Lesley or Doug.

Carol Everett works on a type of crime watch programme for Japanese national TV, where they broadcast her intuitively obtained information on high profile cold cases and let the public and police follow up the leads. The filming of one case took place in the Atrium Hotel in Bolnuevo earlier this year. To locate Lesley, Carol used very similar techniques used in crime cases. She needed a photo and personal possessions from Lesley and needed to be in a relaxed state of mind. This is really important for the work Carol does.

“Looking at Lesley's photo, I slowed down, my breathing shut down the left hand side of my brain, (this is the thinking brain), and reached out with my right brain for information on the situation. The information started to come through with words and pictures. It resulted in a personal profile of Lesley and the situation. It is necessary for me to tune in to the situation and to tune in telepathically to Lesley's mind to see what she could see through her eyes. The information came through very quickly. I saw the visions in my mind very clearly, which indicated she was alive, but I was agitated whether she would remain so for long.”

The psychological profile and information of Lesley's whereabouts and what she could see from where she was located was passed on to Doug. This information was then passed on to the British Consulate, as the local emergency services were unwilling to help at this point. The Embassy quickly passed the information on to the police, as with nearly four days with no food and water in August heat, it was becoming a potential emergency to find Lesley.

At last the helicopter went out to where Carol said Lesley would be found, inside a small hut with no roof, on top of the mountain. It was within a five mile radius from where she went missing. Carol had seen long flapping clothes in the investigation; the same clothes that were seen hanging on a bush near where Lesley was found.
Lesley was taken to hospital in the helicopter, in a very weak state and was put on a drip for a few days. She has now recovered and is back at home.

The family is grateful for all the help they received. At the time there were a lot of people rallying round to help. A local pub closed down to help with the search and Kelly, from Nicky G's office on Camposol took the day off work to help with interpretation and communications. Russell interpreted for Doug with police and the hospital and announcements had been made on Costa Cálida Radio by Steve about Lesley's disappearance. Indications are that the search groups must have been within feet of where Lesley was located. Possibly by that time she was too exhausted to respond to their shouts.

“Strange though it may seem, but before Lesley was found, I had a very strong vision of a dog. I knew that Lesley's dog had been run over, but I was not told what the dog looked like or the name of the dog, or where the accident took place. After I had sent all the information back to Doug, I was in the car between Puerto de Mazarrón and Bolnuevo. All of a sudden I saw a beige coloured dog with a long tail ‘hit the windscreen'. I shouted to my husband, “A dog has hit the car.” He said, “Don't be silly, you could cause an accident messing about like that. It would have broken the window if it had been
there”. He obviously had not seen or heard the dog at all.

Later on that day, Lesley's friend Stella came to see me. I told her what happened and she asked what the dog looked like, and did it have a name. I said it began with P or sounded like Poo or something, I wasn't sure. Stella said I had described Lesley's dog, She said its name was Penny. Later another friend of Lesley's, said that the dog's name was actually Poppy. I am convinced that the dog was communicating with me somehow, and guarding Lesley on that mountain. Of course I can't prove it; it's just my instincts. You must all think what you want to think for yourselves, but I don't know if the dog had a nick name Poo, or even something sounding like that, but Lesley was found where I said, despite the skeptics who said she was not alive. It was accurate enough for me to believe that her dog was telepathically helping Lesley, so there must have been a very strong love and bond there between her and Poppy.

When I work with the Japanese production company, they go to the expense of sending out a production team, director, producer, camera operator and sound guys from Japan to wherever I may be working. The programme is a success in Tokyo and they are following up more cold cases in Japan.

Unfortunately, despite the warnings Lesley again went to the same place just a few weeks later, But this time succeded in her suicide.


FREE. Audio download. Demonstration of intuitive diagnosis at London's Excel centre
Introduced by the late Michael Endacot, director, Institute of Complementary Medicine




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